When Keyerre Hayes’ daughter starts pre-K in August, she’ll be going to a school that isn’t only new to her. Hayes and her husband are enrolling their daughter at Rocketship Dennis Dunkins Elementary School, a new charter school in Fort Worth’s Stop 6 neighborhood. The school opens at the start of the next school year. Both Hayes and her husband are originally from New Orleans, where the public school district shifted to almost all charter schools after Hurricane Katrina. So before they moved to Fort Worth, she and her husband were familiar with charter schools — “The good, the bad and the ugly,” she said. They both had positive experiences going to charter high schools and liked the idea of putting their daughter in something other than a traditional public school, she said. Hayes’ daughter goes to day care at a private school, and she was worried about how she would handle the transition to a big, open-enrollment public school. She wasn’t sure she would get the same kind of individualized, one-on-one attention that she needs, she said. So she began looking at other options in the area. Rocketship was one of the only charter schools nearby with a pre-K program, so it seems like a good fit, she said.
Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/crossroads-lab/article261429577.html#storylink=cpy