Parent Voice Fuels Redwood City Launch Plans
by Adán Lupercio, Bay Area Policy Manager
I am excited to update everyone on the progress that our network and partner organizations have made in moving to increase Rocketship Education’s impact in the Bay Area. Over the last 24 months, a group of Redwood City parents working with Innovate Public Schools has been urging Rocketship Education to bring new public school options to parents, educators and communities on the Peninsula. Additionally, these parents have been discussing their request for these options with local elected and community officials in San Mateo County.
“I want a Redwood City Rocketship school to open in 2016 because I want my kids to have a high quality education,” explained Patricia Lopez, parent of a future first grader.
March 18, 2014 parents held a community action meeting with elected officials and representatives from Rocketship Education and KIPP Bay Area Schools to celebrate the progress made and to secure commitments for a thoughtful consideration of new public school options in Redwood City.

Parents came together in Redwood City to support high-performing public school options for their kids. Photo courtesy of Innovate Public Schools.
I am proud to announce, in response to parent efforts, on April 14th, Rocketship Education submitted a petition to the Redwood City School District with the goal of opening a new Rocketship School in Redwood City for the 2015-16 school year. Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible and those who have been supporting the Redwood City families and students so far!
We expect that a final decision on our Redwood City Charter petition will come before the end of summer and I look forward to updating you very soon. Until then, I want to invite you to come to charter petition hearing on May 14, 2014 in Redwood City. We are very excited to be a part of the Redwood City community and respond to the needs of the many parents who took it into their own hands to demand more great public school options.
I’d like to highlight that KIPP Bay Area Schools also submitted a charter petition to the Redwood City School District. Both Rocketship and KIPP charter petitions will be sharing dates for hearings and votes.
If you are interested in helping to make Redwood City a reality and would like to volunteer over the next few weeks, please contact me (alupercio@rsed.org). It will mean a lot to the parents in the Redwood City community to see our Rocketeers in attendance, supporting our first Bay Area School outside of the City of San José.
Submitting the charter application is only the first step. Here is a timeline for what to expect and how you can get involved.
Sign up to receive updates about Rocketship in Redwood City
Show Support at Redwood City School Board Hearing
Rocketship Education & KIPP present to Board
May 14, 2014
Time: 6:00 pm
McKinley Institute of Technology,
400 Duane St.
Redwood City, CA 94062
Show Support at Redwood City School Board Hearing & Vote
Board votes on charters
Time: TBD
June 25, 2014
McKinley Institute of Technology,
400 Duane St.
Redwood City, CA 94062
Follow Adàn on Twitter @aolforcharterED
Adàn was born and raised in the Washington community in San Josè, CA where he is passionate about community advocacy and high quality schools for Bay Area kids. He is currently pursuing a degree from San Francisco State University. When he’s not in school or working, Adàn tries to go to as many live Bay Area sporting events as possible.
Published on May 6, 2014
Read more stories about: Parent Experience.