School Page
Southside Community Prep
The path to college starts in elementary school. At Rocketship Southside Community Prep, we pride ourselves on preparing all students with the skills they need to reach and succeed in college. Our teachers and parents partner closely together to create a joyful, rigorous, and personalized learning environment that helps all our Rocketeers learn to become critical readers, creative writers, innovative thinkers, and life-long knowledge seekers.
Southside Rocketeers grew 1.55 years in math and 1.32 years in reading in just one school year!
2023-24 Marked Our Highest Average Growth Ever
Key Information
Grades: K4 - 5th
Enrollment: 444
Address: 3003 W. Cleveland Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53215
Principal: Shannon Barraza
Office Manager: Natalie Castillo
Tel: (414) 455-3539
Se habla español
Open doors to endless opportunities!
Family Resources
- First day, last day, minimum days, holidays, conference days, see every day of the school year.
School Calendar > - Download each grade's schedule here.
Bell Schedule > - Log into the PowerSchools Parent Portal to update your contact information, check your child's attendance, and access test scores.
PowerSchool Parent Portal > - Access important school policies, forms, and resources.
Family Handbook (English) > - Find out what's on the menu this month!
Breakfast & Lunch Menu > - Access important school policies, forms, and resources.
Family Handbook (Spanish) >

At Rocketship Southside Community Prep we are united. Together our teachers, parents, and children can achieve the highest goals!
— Chrissy Marie, Parent

Join the Parent Organizing Committee
Are you interested in getting more involved with our school community? Join us for our next Parent Organizing Committee (POC) meeting where parents get to know each other, learn what local issues may be affecting their child and family, and learn new skills to help ensure parents’ voices are heard in the community. You can learn more about our parent leadership work here.
Want to learn more?
Get connected with an enrollment specialist to learn about our application process.
Ready to apply?
We’re currently accepting applications for our lottery. Submit yours today!
Our School’s Core Values
- Responsibility
- Respect
- Empathy
- Persistence
- Esfuerzo