Rocketship Votes
Who Can Register to Vote?
A United States Citizen;
A resident of the county where you submit the application;
At least 17 years and 10 months old, and at least 18 years of age on Election Day
Not currently in state or federal prison OR on parole for the conviction of a felony
Not currently found mentally incompetent to vote by a court
What will you need to Register?
Your driver license or identification card number,
The last four digits of your social security number and
Your date of birth
If you are not eligible to register to vote, you can still make a difference in this election:
Ensure your family and friends are registered
Share important voting deadlines and instructions to make sure votes are counted
Help voters learn about the candidates and issues

Register to Vote by Clicking on Your State Below:
Regional Guides
Register to Vote Online OR Conditional Voter Registration is open for a full 14 days prior to the election and must be done in person at the Registrar of Voters office or at any Vote Center on or prior to election day. All registered CA voters will be sent a vote-by-mail ballot for the Elections.
Visit for:
- Polling Place Lookup
- Early Voting & Ballot Drop Off Locations
- My Voter Status/Register to Vote
- Official Voter Information Guide
- Track My Ballot
Filling out your ballot:
- Insert your ballot in the envelope provided
- Make sure you complete all required information on the envelope. DON’T FORGET TO SIGN THE ENVELOPE!
- If you are returning your ballot by mail, it must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received by your county elections office no later than 7 days after Election Day. Each ballot is provided with pre-paid postage.
Dropping off your Ballot:
- You can drop off your ballot at any polling location or ballot drop box in your County. Find your Local Polling Location HERE. Find a drop box in Contra Costa HERE
- If you are returning your ballot in person or dropping it in a drop box, it must be delivered no later than the close of polls at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.
- Anyone may return your ballot for you, as long as they do not get paid on a per ballot basis, BUT in order for your ballot to be counted, you must fill out the authorization section found on the outside of your ballot envelope.
Voting In-person: Find your Local Polling Location HERE by entering your address.
- Arrive between 7am – 8pm on Election Day
- If you’ve voted in California before, you don’t need to show ID.
- If you’re a first-time voter who registered by mail, and didn’t include your driver’s license number, California ID number, or the last 4 digits of your Social Security number on your registration, you may be asked to provide ID when you vote.
Early In-Person Voting:
Find your early in-person voting dates and locations HERE by entering your zip code.
Most common IDs include: Driver’s license, U.S. passport, military ID, and other state issued IDs
Voters may register in-person in their municipal clerk’s office during the clerk’s business hours until 5:00 p.m. Find your Municipal Clerk’s Contact Information here.
Voters can register to vote at their polling place on Election Day. Find your Polling Place here. Am I registered? Find out HERE
Visit for:
- My Voter Information
- Find My Polling Place
- Whats on My Ballot
- Update My Name or Address
- Register to Vote
- Vote Absentee by Mail
- Track My Ballot
- Vote Absentee In-person
*Escoger Espanol en la parte abajo de la página, si ocupa
Mail-in Absentee Ballots:
All voters in Wisconsin can request an absentee ballot be mailed to them for any reason. Voters must be registered before they can request an absentee ballot. Voters may request their absentee ballot in writing. To request an absentee ballot on click here. You must provide a photo ID with your absentee ballot request, more information on photo ID can be found here.
If you are a regular or a Permanent Overseas Voters, your absentee ballot request must be received by your municipal clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on Election Day.
Voting In-Person:
Find your Polling Place by Entering your Address HERE
- You must arrive at the polls between 7am and 8pm on Election Day.
Photo ID is required before you may vote. The following types of photo ID are acceptable and may be unexpired or expired after the date of the most recent general election:
- A Wisconsin DOT issued drivers license, even if driving privileges are revoked or suspended, with or without a star in the right-hand corner
- A Wisconsin DOT issued ID card, with or without a star in the right-hand corner
- A Wisconsin DOT-issued ID card or drivers license without a photo issued under the religious exemption
- Military ID card issued by a US uniformed service
- US Passport (booklet or card)
- A photo ID card issued by a Wisconsin accredited university or college that contains date of issuance, signature of student and an expiration date no later than two years after date of issuance.
- A photo ID card issued by a Wisconsin accredited university or college that has expired, when shown along with proof of enrollment (like a tuition fee receipt or course schedule)
- An ID card issued by a federally recognized Indian tribe in Wisconsin (may be used even if expired before the most recent General Election)
The following types of ID are acceptable if they are unexpired:
- Certificate of naturalization that was issued no earlier than two years before the date of the election
- Driving receipt issued by Wisconsin DOT (valid for 45 days)
- ID card receipt issued by Wisconsin DOT (valid for 45 days)
- Citation or notice of intent to revoke or suspend a Wisconsin DOT issued drivers license that is dated within 60 days of the date of the election.
- Veteran’s photo ID card issued by the Veterans Health Administration of the federal Department of Veterans Affairs
- Temporary ID card receipt issued by Wisconsin DOT through the Identification Petition Process (IDPP) (valid for 180 days)
You may show an ID card issued by a federally recognized Indian tribe in Wisconsin as well, if it is expired or unexpired.
The address on your photo ID card does not have to be current. The name on your photo ID card does not need to be an exact match for your name in the poll book.
If you are an absentee voter or have a sincere religious belief against being photographed, you may not need to show a photo ID in order to vote.
If you’re in the military, live permanently overseas or are classified as a confidential elector, you do NOT need a photo ID to cast your absentee ballot.
If you are indefinitely confined (have difficulty traveling to the polling place due to age, physical illness, infirmity or disability), or live in a nursing home or care facility, you do NOT need to show your photo ID to vote.
For more information about photo ID please view your state’s resource.
Free photo ID cards available. If you need a photo ID card in order to vote, the DMV can help you get a free ID card. For more information on the process, please contact the DMV.
If you wish to obtain an ID for voting purposes, but have spiritual beliefs which prevent you from being photographed, you can receive a State ID card without a photo at any DMV office. Voters can call or text 844-338-8743 at any time to reach VoteRiders Voter ID Helpline.
Register to Vote Online 30 days before Election Day.
Register to Vote by Downloading a Voter Registration Application, filling it out, printing it, and mailing or hand-delivering your application to your County Election Commission.
Pick up voter registration applications in person at the following locations:
- County Election Commission Offices
- County Clerk’s Offices
- Public Libraries
- Register of Deeds Offices
Register during a transaction with one of the following agencies:
- Department of Health (WIC program)
- Department of Human Services
- Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Department of Mental Health
- Department of Safety (motor vehicles division)
- Department of Veteran’s Affairs
Am I registered to vote? Find out HERE
Mail-in Absentee Ballots:
Tennessee law allows for absentee voting only under certain circumstances. Click HERE to determine if you are eligible and request an absentee ballot.
Voting In-Person:
Look up your Sample Ballot, Polling Location, Elected Officials, and other useful voter information HERE/
Registering to vote for the first time:
To register to vote in Texas, simply complete a voter registration application and return it to your county election office at least 30 days before the upcoming election date. To complete an application, you may:
- Complete an application using the SOS ONLINE VOTER REGISTRATION APPLICATION. Simply fill in the required information, print, sign and mail the completed application directly to your county election office;
- Request a PRINTED APPLICATION. Our office will mail a postage-paid voter registration application to the address provided; OR contact or visit your local VOTER REGISTRAR to complete the voter registration process.
Register to vote when renewing your Drivers License:
- If you’re not already registered to vote but have an existing Texas Driver License or state identification card, you can register to vote online when renewing, replacing or changing your contact information for either of these cards through the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).
- Follow the steps on the DPS web portal to update your driver license information, and you will be given the option to register to vote when renewing or updating your information.
Update your voter registration information online
- Whether you’ve recently moved or changed your name, you can now update all your information on your voter registration record through our portal on
- Click here to update your voter registration information online.
- NOTE: To update your voter registration, you will need your Voter Unique Identifier (VUID) to log in to the portal. You can find your VUID by visiting the Texas SOS My Voter Portal, in which you can enter your Name, County, Date of Birth and ZIP code to display your voter registration information.
Voting by Mail: Who can vote by mail?
Voting by mail in Texas is limited to voters who are:
- 65 years of age or older on Election Day;
- Sick or disabled;
- Expecting to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day;
- Absent from the county of registration during the Early Voting period and on Election Day;
- Civilly committed under Chapter 841 of the Texas Health and Safety Code; or
- Confined in jail, but otherwise eligible.
Voting by mail in Texas has been available to elderly voters and voters with physical disabilities for decades. Remember, however, that many of the legal safeguards designed to protect voters and their ballots are impossible to enforce in the privacy of the voter’s home. Here are a few tips that may prove helpful:
- Call your local or county office holding the election and request that an application to vote by mail be sent to you, or download the application here (PDF).
- To vote by mail, you must provide ONE of the following numbers on your ABBM: (1) Texas Driver’s License, Texas Personal Identification Number or Election Identification Certificate Number issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (NOT your voter registration VUID number); OR (2) If you have not been issued one of the numbers above, the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number. If you have not been issued a Texas Driver’s License, Texas Personal Identification Number or Texas Election Identification Certificate Number or a Social Security Number, you must indicate so by checking the appropriate box on the ABBM.
- If you need help filling out the form or mailing it, ask someone you trust to help you. Your helper’s name and address must be written next to your signature and they must sign the application.
- Address your application to the Early Voting Clerk. Applications mailed to an address other than the Early Voting Clerk may be rejected.
- Send your application for a ballot by mail as early as 60 days before an election. This will give you plenty of time to receive your ballot, mark it, and mail it back to the Early Voting Clerk. All applications to vote by mail must be received by the early voting clerk not later than the 11th day before election day by the close of regular business or 12 noon, whichever is later. Applications to vote by mail must be submitted in person or by mail, email, common or contract carrier, or fax (if a fax machine is available in the office of the early voting clerk).
- If you are voting by mail because you are disabled or are 65 years of age or older, you may use a single application to request ballots by mail for all county elections in the calendar year. While you can submit this “annual” application anytime during the calendar year, it must be received at least 11 days before the first election in which you seek to request a ballot by mail.
- Generally, a ballot must be mailed to the address where you are registered to vote. However, if you are 65 or older or have a physical disability, you may have your ballot sent to a hospital, nursing home or long-term care facility, retirement center, or relative, but you must check the blank on the form indicating which address you are providing. If your reason for voting by mail is absence from the county, the ballot must be mailed to an address outside the county.
- If you need help reading, marking, or mailing the actual ballot, ask a trusted relative or friend for help. It’s not uncommon for someone from a political organization to offer to help with your ballot soon after you’ve received it. We recommend you decline this kind of help for several reasons. If you allow your ballot to be mailed by someone you don’t know, it might not be mailed at all. If it’s delivered to the elections office by a common or contract carrier from the address of a candidate or a campaign’s headquarters, your ballot will be rejected.
- Finally, if someone helps you with your mail ballot, you must put your helper’s name and address on the carrier envelope, which is the one used to return your ballot to the early voting clerk. Your helper must also sign the carrier envelope.
Register to Vote Online. All voter registration applications and updates submitted online and by mail must be received by the Board by no later than the 21st day before the election in which you wish to vote. If you submit a voter registration application or update online or by mail and it is received after the 21st day before the election, your application will not be processed until after the election.
Am I registered to Vote? Check your voter registration status here. ALL DC Registered Voters will automatically be sent a vote-by-mail ballot for the Elections. To ensure that you receive your mail-in ballot at the correct address, it is critical that you CHECK and UPDATE (if necessary) your voter registration.
You can also register to vote BY MAIL, E-MAIL, or FAX, by downloading the Voter Registration Application and following these steps:
- STEP 1 Open and print the Mail in Voter Registration Application
- STEP 2 Complete fields 1 to 13.
- STEP 3 Sign the form.
- STEP 4 Submit the form by mail (postage prepaid), fax, or just take a picture with your cell phone and send it by email.
- By mail or in person at D.C. Board of Elections, 1015 Half Street, SE, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20003
- By email (scanned as an attachment) at
- By fax at (202) 347-2648
OR IN-PERSON, by visiting our office or any voter registration agency, or you may register and vote at the same time (Same Day Registration):
If the deadlines for the receipt of voter registration applications and updates submitted online, by mail, or in person at the Board of Elections or another voter registration agency have passed, you can still register during early voting or on Election Day. To register when you vote, you must provide proof of residence that shows your name and current District of Columbia address. Acceptable forms of proof of residence include:
- A copy of a current and valid government-issued photo identification
- A utility bill for water, gas, electricity, cable, internet, telephone, or cellular phone service issued no earlier than 90 days before the election
- A savings, checking, credit, or money market account statement from a bank or credit union issued no earlier than 90 days before the election
- A paycheck, stub, or earning statement that includes the employer’s name, address, and telephone number and was issued no earlier than 90 days before the election
- A government-issued document or check from a federal or District agency, other than the Board of Elections, issued no earlier than 90 days before the election
- A current residential lease or rental agreement
- An occupancy statement from a District homeless shelter issued no earlier than 90 days before the election
- A tuition or housing bill from a District of Columbia college or university issued for the current academic or housing term
Mail-in Ballot Instructions:
1. Check that you have all the contents of your Mail Ballot Packet. You should have received the following items:
- Your Ballot (1)
- A Secrecy Sleeve (2)
- A Postage Prepaid Return Ballot Envelope (3)
- An Instruction Sheet with “I Voted” Sticker (4)
- IMPORTANT: Make sure you have the ballot that reflects your correct Ward. If you have the wrong ballot, contact us immediately at 1-866-DCVOTES (1-866-328-6837).
Read the ballot instructions carefully. - Vote your ballot with a blue or black ink pen by filling in the oval to the left of your choice completely.
2. You do not have to vote every contest on the ballot. If you wish to vote for an individual whose name is not printed on the ballot, you may write in that individual’s name on the blank “write-in” line and fill in the oval to the left of that line. If you make a mistake on your ballot or misplace your voting materials, contact us IMMEDIATELY at 1-866-DCVOTES (1-866-328-6837) to discuss your options.
3. Refold your voted ballot and place it into the Secrecy Sleeve. Please DO NOT fold the ballot to make it fit inside the Secrecy Sleeve. Ballot is wider than the Secrecy Sleeve to facilitate ballot tabulation. Please DO NOT fold the ballot to make it fit inside the Secrecy Sleeve.
Your Vote is Your Voice
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